Prints Charming

Prints Charming

Long-time readers will know that I love my prints. From floral trousers to vintage sundresses, my wardrobe is choc-full of colour and print. Recently I’ve been drawn to simpler, more minimalistic (for me, at least) clothing combinations, mostly due a…

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Vintage Florals in Golden Gate Park

Vintage Florals in Golden Gate Park

Golden Gate Park is one of my favourite places to spend a Sunday afternoon as it’s closed to vehicles for the day, making it ever so slightly safer to stand in the middle of the road to take outfit photos……

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Florals and Chunky Knits at the Beach

Florals and Chunky Knits at the Beach

This weekend I had one of those ‘pinch me, I live in California!’ moments. It was warm and sunny enough to go the beach with our books and a frisbee for the afternoon, drenched in a sun so strong that…

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Angela Chase Thrift Shop Dress at Tank Hill

Angela Chase Thrift Shop Dress at Tank Hill

San Francisco is full of Heights and Hills, but I think, so far, Tank Hill might just be my favourite. Situated in the the South West of the city, it’s small, steep and unassuming. It’s also not too far from…

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Why Not Now

Why Not Now

So right now we’ve been in San Francisco for just under 48 hours. Initial impressions are that sunshine in late November is awesome (it was around 20 degrees yesterday), the blueberry pancakes are just as good as I remember and…

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