Rock The Week

Rock The Week

Fashion related (and totally non-fashion related) things that have made my world go round over the last seven days… Willfields. I’ve just come back from a mini festival in Oxfordshire called Willfields, run by my friend Will (funnily enough) and…

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A Jolly Weekend in Cornwall

A Jolly Weekend in Cornwall

Do you remember yonks ago (ok, about a month ago) when I mentioned my surprise birthday weekend away in Cornwall, and how I’d post up some photos really soon? If you do then the phrase ‘better late than never’ would…

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Rock The Week

Rock The Week

Fashion related (and totally non-fashion related) things that have made my world go round over the last seven days… It’s May! How is it possibly May already, eh? It feels like only days ago that we were trudging through February…

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Lomo Love: Colour Negative 100 film

Lomo Love: Colour Negative 100 film

Lomography is still very new to me, and unlike digital, it’s a medium that can’t be perfected with the push of a button. Waiting to pick up the film and pulling open the oblong envelope is always exciting, as you…

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Vintage Blues at St Werburghs Farm

Vintage Blues at St Werburghs Farm

Despite living in Bristol for eight years, St Werburghs City Farm is somewhere I’ve only ever jogged past when running through the neighbourhood  That’s a massive error on my part as there are so many adorable animals there, which I found…

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